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Neptune’s Martyrs

★★★★★ – “Just when you thought Doyle Murphy’s adventures couldn’t possible get more outrageous they do. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough!”

★★★★★ – “Great book to end a Series with, laugh, cry and edge of your seat action and excitement!”

★★★★★ – “Drunken adventures and great action!”

★★★★★ – “Great Story and amazing writing!”

The captain that protected him has been relieved of command. The Belleau Wood’s new skipper has a fetish for ruining men for frivolous offenses. Murphy’s increasingly unstable division officer is emboldened by the change. He sees it as an opportunity to finally make Murphy pay for past transgressions.

With a bullseye on his back, Murphy longs for the solace he found amid the bedlam of the Philippines. He wants to get back to the only woman in the world who can keep his demons at bay. Without him there, Murphy fears that she may get forced back into the Barretto skin trade. Worse, her young daughter may one day end up following in her footsteps.

Longing to set himself up in Olongapo, Murphy agrees to facilitate a deal between a corrupt Filipino policeman and the Japanese mob. It is a high stakes endeavor and the consequences of failure could prove catastrophic to everyone that Murphy cares about.

The consequences of success, however, could prove even worse.